1. Camel Pose
This pose is great for stretching the front of your body and deepening your breath.
It can also be quite sexy Sexy Yoga Poses. To do this asana
first start on your hands and knees with the palms flat on the mat.
2. Half Camel Pose
If full camel pose is too intense for you, try half camel pose instead.
This pose is similar to Camel pose but with slightly less intensity. To perform the asana, begin on your hands and
knees with palms flat on the mat. Then, press into your feet and lift your hips up and back, arching only part of your back as you do this.
3. Cat-Cow Pose
This classic yoga pose is not only great for stretching the spine but also super sexy.
To do cat-cow, start on all fours with palms flat on a mat and knees hip-width apart.
4. Sphinx Pose
This pose is perfect for those who want a little less intensity in their back bends.
To perform sphinx pose, begin by lying on your stomach with your legs straight behind you and the tops of your feet pressed into the mat.