Plank Variations
Cardio Exercises,  Weight Loss

6 Plank Variations to Lose Your Belly Fat some easy ways to do it US Academy

Plank Variations to Lose Your Belly Fat

By the way, there are usually many exercises to engage your abdominal muscles and burn belly fat. If you are looking for a workout routine that is not only easy and effective for you and that you can do anywhere at home or at the gym.

A plank or its various variations can help you lose weight and reduce belly fat. The most important thing in this is that you get your posture right. As stated earlier, here is a list of plank exercises that you can do to reduce your belly fat and lose weight!

Plank Variations

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How to perform high plank

Step 1: To do this, start on your hands and knees, place your hands shoulder width apart and keep your knees hip width apart.

Step 2: In this step, slowly raise your knees and keep your legs straight at the back.

Step 3: In this step you engage your core and brace your butt and quads and don’t arch your back.

Step 4: In this step, keep your neck straight and face towards the floor and stay in this position for as long as you can.

How to Perform the Forearm Plank

Step 1: First of all in this step you come in the position of push-up, but keep your arms bent at the elbows and keep the weight on your forearm.

Step 2: In this step keep your body straight from head to heels and engage your core and squeeze your glutes and maintain your position.

Step 3: You maintain this position for as long as you can.

Plank Variations

How to do armpit exercises

Step 1: In this step, first of all you lie down on one side of the body and keep your legs straight.

Step 2: In this you place your elbow just below your shoulder and press your forearm to the surface.

Step 3: In this, lift your hips slightly and tighten your glutes and do the side position for as long as you can.

Plank Variations, high plank, forearm plank, weighted plank, plank up down, plank shoulder tap, 

How to perform a weighted plank

Step 1: In this step you first get down on your hands and knees and keep your shoulders directly on your wrists and your hips above your knees.

Step 2: Now feel if someone is slowly putting weight on your upper back.

Step 3: Engage your core in this step and extend your legs one by one behind you, assuming a push-up position.

Step 4: In this also make sure that your body and head are straight.

Step 5: Do it for as long as you can and hold the form and return to your starting position

How to Perform Plank Jacks

Step 1: To do this, you start from a high plank position.

Step 2: After that jump with your feet wide and back together like jumping jacks.

Step 3: In this you can do a total of 25 plank jacks and count it as one set.

Plank Variations

How to Perform a Plank Shoulder Tap

Step 1: First of all, place your hands directly under your shoulders and your feet in line with your hips and start from a high-plank position.

Step 2: After this, slowly lift one hand and pat it on the other shoulder.

Step 3: After this you repeat the same with the other hand

Step 4: Keeping your core engaged, repeat this movement for as long as you can.

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Plank Variations
Plank Variations, forearm plank, plank up down, plank shoulder tap

How to Perform Plank Up-Down

Step 1: To do this, you first start from a high plank position.5

Step 2: Lower your right elbow to the mat and then return to your left forearm position.

Step 3: And then with your right hand on the mat, straighten your right elbow and change your position.

Step 4: Do the same on the other side and repeat the same movement.

Which plank variation is best?

Plank Variations

The straight-arm plank engages the triceps and core, which may be the most preferred plank drill for those looking to strengthen their upper body. Meanwhile, the forearm plank helps you strengthen the transverse abdominal muscle and works better for those who target their abs.

What is the most difficult plank?

Plank Variations

The straight-arm plank is more difficult than the elbow plank, so if you find you need more of a challenge to hang onto your forearms, focus on completing the plank on your hands. Plank on a BOSU: Become unstable by resting your forearms or palms on a BOSU or exercise ball.

Which plank is easier?

Plank Variations

The straps are easier on the hands because you increase the angle of your body to the floor, which means your core doesn’t have to work as hard to stabilize you. This variation also puts more stress on your wrists and shoulders because they have to support more of your body weight.

What can a 1 minute plank do everyday?

30 day Plank Challenge for Beginners

Burns belly fat: Since the plank pose mainly works your core abdominal muscles, it is a great exercise to get rid of stubborn belly fat. Just holding the plank for a few minutes every day can help in reducing belly fat and giving your body an attractive shape.